At Sinapis, Programs are Just the Start

November 18, 2022

(Photo) Beatrice Jalala, Alumni Engagement Coordinator

Beatrice orchestrates many of Sinapis’ alumni engagement programs within Kenya and brings joy and hope to many entrepreneurs struggling with life's circumstances.

Do you remember the last time you made a significant investment in a personal or professional development experience? It was a big decision that took courage, determination, and time commitment.

Think about that sense of accomplishment. Maybe even relief!

If you’re anything like us, you probably remember the people more than the projects. These experiences have a way of building relationships that last a lifetime.

Sinapis is in the business of equipping entrepreneurs with the skills and support they need to navigate the difficult and often lonely journey of entrepreneurship. We have a team dedicated to walking with entrepreneurs through their program and long after they have graduated.

At Sinapis, programs are just the start. We remain committed to our entrepreneurs by offering and managing an alumni network where graduates can find the following:

  • Continued Business Training & Coaching
  • Accountability & Discipleship
  • Access to Investment Partners & Workshops
  • Personal Support & Mentorship

Because of your support, Sinapis can employ an alumni engagement team. In 2022, this team connected with alumni over 2,000 times through phone calls, visits, and emails to offer ongoing business, emotional, and spiritual support.

Your commitment to Sinapis is a commitment to alumni.

Together, we are making Sinapis one of the most relational networks of entrepreneurs in the world.

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