General Information

Q: What is Sinapis? What do you do?

We support and empower entrepreneurs professionally and spiritually through training, coaching, consulting, and connection to resources.

Learn more about Sinapis >>

Q: What kind of impact does Sinapis have?

Over the past 14 years, we have trained over 8,200 entrepreneurs in twelve countries around the world through our programs and workshops.

See how we impact the world >>

Q: What makes Sinapis different?

We believe that the Word of God applies directly to how and why we do business. Our curriculum is grounded in biblical principles, which we call Kingdom Business, and is also highly practical.

Participants put what they learn into practice in order to achieve business success and greater impact in their communities and in the world. We also provide ongoing support long after the program is complete through our vibrant and active alumni network.

Q: What topics are covered in your programs?

Each of our programs is different, covering the information, skills, and tools entrepreneurs need to succeed at different stages of their business. Whether you are experiencing specific issues or are looking for a complete MBA-level training, we have programs that meet your needs.

Explore our programs >>

Q: Can I sponsor someone to go through your program?

Absolutely. Reach out to hello@sinapis.org and our team will guide you through the process.

Choosing the Right Program for You

Q: What kind of business or idea is right for your program?

We accept both for-profit and nonprofit businesses and business concepts. We encourage applications from any industry and sector, provided your business does not deal with alcohol, gambling, weapons, or similar activities.

You will need a business idea before you begin our program, so if you do not already have a business, we encourage you to find a concept that inspires you toward the impact you wish to have on the world.

Q: What Sinapis program is right for me?

We have three program levels designed for different types of entrepreneurs:

Our Aspire Launchpad is meant for entrepreneurs with a business idea they want to pursue, or who have been in business for less than two years. Aspire is great for testing a concept, scaling up a side hustle, or getting your business off to a strong start.

Learn more about Aspire Launchpad >>

Our short courses in Sales & Marketing, Finance, HR & Leadership ,  and Kingdom Business Modules provide the same curriculum and learning model as our proven 16-week Entrepreneur Academy in a shorter, targeted format to help you get the training you need to adapt your business to the changing environment.

Learn more about Entrepreneur Academy Short Courses >>

Our Fast Track program provides the most promising businesses that have momentum with mentors, coaching, and connections to ensure continued growth as a business owner & leader.

Learn more about Fast Track Accelerator >>

Our team is happy to help you choose the best program for your unique situation. Please contact hello@sinapis.org to explore your options.

Q: How much does each program cost, and how do you handle payments?

Because our pricing varies by program and in each region and country, we encourage you to click the links below to create and send an email to Sinapis staff who can provide specific pricing for the program you're most interested in. We think you'll find our programs are high in value and affordable thanks the generous donations of donors around the world that believe in the power of entrepreneurship to transform communities economically and spiritually in East Africa.

Kenya >>Mombasa >>Uganda >>Rwanda >>

Q: Where are your programs located?

Sinapis currently runs programs throughout Kenya, Uganda, and Rwanda. We also support partners operating in Brazil, Burundi, Egypt, Ghana, Liberia, Mexico, and Mongolia.

Q: I see that your programs have a faith component. Can I join if I am not a Christian?

Absolutely. We do not discriminate against participants of other faiths or those of no faith.

Q: How can I start my application?

You can apply online at www.sinapis.org/apply or reach out to our team at hello@sinapis.org. You are welcome to apply with your team, but each person must fill out an application.

What to Expect

Q: What is expected of entrepreneurs in your programs?

We understand that you have many responsibilities, but Sinapis programs do involve a significant level of commitment. To graduate from our programs, you must meet core requirements:

1. Attending at least 75% of class sessions
2. Actively participating in each session
3. Completing all assignments on time
4. Making payments on time

If you know you will be unavailable to attend a session, reach out to a Program Coordinator or Assistant in advance. We can help you make up a missed session with another cohort if possible. Failure to complete assignments may result in your suspension from the program until you are able to catch up.

Q: What kind of time commitment is involved?

Program length and class time vary, but students in each of our programs should expect to spend approximately four hours per week—outside of class time—on fieldwork and assignments. There are no exams, but you will need time to apply what you have learned.

Aspire Launchpad: The class meets once per week for nine weeks. Each class lasts four hours.
Entrepreneur Academy Short Courses: The class meets once per week for four-six weeks (depending on the selected short course). Each class lasts six hours.

Q: How will I receive class material? What technology is required?

Our team will work with you to deliver class materials once we receive your payment.
We recommend that students have access to a computer, particularly if you are attending online.
If you have not used Zoom before, we offer tutorials to help you get up to speed.

Q: What happens after I complete the program? Is funding guaranteed?

Upon successful completion of our program, you will receive a certificate during our annual graduation ceremony. 69% of our alumni report they are still in business 3 years after completing our training according to our 2022 alumni survey. Alumni of our programs join a valuable network offering extra support, mentoring, networking, coaching, consulting, and access to capital.

Benefits such as funding are not guaranteed but alumni also report they experienced an investment capital growth rate average of 180% in the first year after completing our programs.

Alumni often use our network to secure capital. While most of our graduates do find great success, the program itself does not include automatic funding.

"Sinapis has hugely contributed to our business's growth, sustainability, and success. They have helped link us to potential investors/funding opportunities, publicized our business to the market, and provided ongoing strategic advice."

Leah Imaita
Co-Owner, Jazza Centre

"This is one program every business owner should consider enrolling in. The benefits are immeasurable. I'm a beneficiary. Thank you, Sinapis!"

Joseph Gichunge
Co-Founder & CEO, Jazza Centre

"Sinapis gave me a full kit to use to start my business."

Niyonzima Pierre
CEO & Founder, Safe Sana

"At Sinapis I gained the skills I needed in order to manage my business. I also learned how to raise funds from investors."

Murerwa Xavier
CEO, Gishuri Chicken Organic Farm

"Sinapis was instrumental in improving my general business management, time allocation, and building strong networking connections."

Geoffrey Kinaalwa
CEO & Founder, La' Marc

"The Sinapis Entrepreneur Academy unit economics class helped me determine my unit and how much it costs for me to produce one."

Alex Wanyu
Founder, Alexander Perfumery LTD

"When we started our Sinapis classes, we were asked to pick one business. I chose a new venture I was getting into - speaking. I would never have imagined that just over a year later I would be speaking on the biggest stage - TED. May this be a testimony that Kingdom business has a benefit here and in Heaven."

Robert A. Belle
CEO, SMIP Consultancy

"Sinapis gave me conviction to know that you can still do business the right way - The Kingdom Business Way. You do not have to bribe or pay your way into a contract. Hard work, faith, and prayer works wonders. I am truly grateful for this."

Brian Gacheru
CEO, Pristine Linen & Laundry Limited

"I loved the Kingdom Business aspect and approach in the program. I am more enlightened than I was when I joined the program. It is very worthwhile."

Margaret Njenga
Founder, Margarita Bakes