Introducing Yvette Ondachi – East Africa Regional Director

July 9, 2021

Anyone who talks with Yvette Onadachi leaves encouraged, energized, and ready to take on the world. Recently hired as Sinapis’ East Africa Regional Director, Yvette represents an exciting stage in Sinapis’ growth as she brings over 21 years of experience in pharmaceutical sales and marketing, supply chain management, entrepreneurship, consulting, and digital innovation.

Her vast leadership experience allowed her to leverage technology to increase the incomes for SMEs and micro-enterprises throughout E. Africa, and reach over 5mil consumers through the product portfolios she’s managed. She’s collaborated with USAID, GIZ, SNV, and World Vision, has been invited to speak locally and internationally, and has had her work featured in major publications.

While her work trajectory is impressive, she has always been missionally motivated and committed to the local community in Africa. Yvette’s experience in the pharmaceutical industry renewed her commitment to ensure East Africans had access to life-saving medicines. As a supply chain entrepreneur, she was motivated to help Kenyan and Ugandan farmers improve their access to market; knowing that when farmers sell their goods at fair prices, entire families and communities reap the benefits through improved health care, education, and food security.

When she found Sinapis, she was able to connect her vocational journey and her faith. “I said, Sinapis, where have you been all my life? I so deeply connected with their vision.”  The proof the model works is in the impact. “Sinapis is creating a chain reaction of influence and developing a community of leaders who are walking with integrity and empowered to live out their convictions. It is helping a new generation of entrepreneurs take their dreams and aspirations to a new level.”

Yvette’s enthusiasm for her new role as Regional Director is contagious. “Sinapis is bringing to light the significant role that entrepreneurs play as agents of change. Our local education system teaches many things but no one is taught about entrepreneurial principles. If you educate an entrepreneur you will equip a community.” She sees her new platform as an opportunity to take what she had been doing and scale it up. She is excited to give back in a new and meaningful way. “There comes a time in your career path when you know it is time to share.”

In her role as Regional Director she will be the primary contact for entrepreneurs, program alumni, and business partners in East Africa. She is excited to be an evangelist of sorts for Sinapis’ training and network. “Sinapis is a sleeping giant, so many people need to know about the work we are doing and the opportunities for growth.”

Yvette will oversee sales and relationship management as well as strategic planning and delivery of programs and partnerships in the region. Her goal is to tell the story of Sinapis. “We have such world class training and education. This will change lives. It is not just numbers, but individual lives that are being transformed.”

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