Mongolian Entrepreneurs on a Mission in Washington, D.C.

August 1, 2023

Sinapis Network partner Asia Leadership Development Network (ALDN) hosted a lively pitch competition for idea-stage entrepreneurs from the Mongolian diaspora in Washington, D.C., before an enthusiastic group of family members, friends, and alumni. The event marked the successful completion of ALDN’s third Aspire Launchpad cohort of entrepreneurs leading early and idea-stage businesses. Aspire Launchpad is a 9-week Sinapis course offered by ALDN that helps entrepreneurs test and hone ideas while learning business fundamentals and how to integrate faith with work.

ALDN is a Mongolian network with a desire to help meet emerging leaders’ needs by working alongside Mongolian church leaders around the world. They offer programs in Mongolia, Inner Mongolia China, and the Mongolian diaspora in the US and Europe. They have worked in partnership with a Mongolian church based in Washington D.C. for several years. Thus far, each D.C. cohort has been coordinated by Sondor Kihyad, an entrepreneur herself who benefitted from an Aspire class and went on to start her own jewelry business, Elle Goyol, which embodies the essence of feminine beauty.

The third cohort’s evening competition showcased nine businesses — some already operating and others about to launch — representing tech, beauty, housing, and even Christian ministry sectors. The event was a chance to showcase promising businesses ready to scale and put on display a loving community who had clearly bonded during the classes and were eager to support one another. There were discerning questions by the judges, practical advice from seasoned business owners in attendance, and effusive applause at the conclusion of each presentation. While judges’ questions varied with each pitch, one question was obviously on their minds:

“How will your business make a difference for others?”

Each entrepreneur had a ready answer. One already offers free spa services to those with cancer, another pays for employees to further their education, and a third aims to use part of her business’s profits to help the vulnerable in rural Mongolia. The evening’s pitches paused midway for a festive potluck dinner, and the competition concluded with awards, cake, hugs, and congratulations. The next cohort launches in September.

Since its founding in 2010, Sinapis has equipped over 8,000 men and women with the knowledge and relationship tools to launch and grow Kingdom businesses. We partner with bold, mission-aligned organizations in emerging and frontier markets that want their country to prosper by serving Small and Growing Businesses (SGBs). Sinapis supports this Network by sharing curriculum, toolkits, and systems, as well as in-depth training, strategic planning, and ongoing access to our team of experts. Sinapis partners serve entrepreneurs in Brazil, Burundi, Egypt, Ghana, Liberia, Mexico, Mongolia, and Mozambique. To learn more, visit Sinapis Partnerships.

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