Discipling the Next Generation

October 6, 2020

Kwamua. It’s the Swahili word for rescuing something from a bad situation. So Kwamua Power is a fitting name for Moen Technologies’ line of portable vehicle jump starters and air compressors. When Joseck and Janet Matheri started Moen Technologies, they wanted to build a Kingdom business they could pass on to their four children.As a child, Joseck didn’t always have shoes to wear, but he did have a tenacious work ethic and an appetite to learn. Hard work earned both Joseck and Janet jobs as managers in the pharmaceutical industry.“We came out of the corporate world with marketing and sales skills, and thinking we knew everything about business. Then we realized you need an accountant, an HR expert, and someone to manage your credit.”“So at Sinapis we learned how to be everything. We have a bird’s eye view. We see financial projections. We see HR. We see the sales. And above all, how to be a Kingdom entrepreneur. How to use our business for the glory of God.”Joseck and Janet want to disciple their children in their faith as well as how to run a business and manage money. They have trained thethree oldest how to make commissioned sales presentations and then how to tithe and invest their earnings. Now the Matheri children are the first children ever to buy stocks at The Nairobi Stock Exchange!The Matheris don’t have to wait to pass the business on to their children. They are already doing it. As they invite their children into the process of Kingdom entrepreneurship, they are making disciples of Jesus and helping to create the next generation of business leaders.