APRIL 22-24, 2024 • CLUJ, ROMANIA

The Global Summit for Christian Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Builders in Emerging and Frontier Markets

What is FORGE?

FORGE Global Summit is an annual experience for believers driving change through entrepreneurship in emerging and frontier markets. Participants are immersed in a unique blend of culture, faith, entrepreneurship, and opportunity. Come explore, learn, and be inspired by an unforgettable experience that bridges cultures and fosters growth. Engage with models, practical tools, resources, and mentorship opportunities and connect with people God has planted around the world who share a passion and a calling for business.

Following the FORGE Global Summit, select training and acceleration organizations are invited to an additional two-day event called FORGE Construct for deeper practical workshops and off-site engagement. To learn about the criteria for participants, contact sbracquine@sinapis.org.


Who Should Come to FORGE?

If you long to see emerging and frontier markets thrive spiritually and economically, you should come! FORGE is a gathering of:

VISIONARY Entrepreneurs • Capacity Builders • Ecosystem LEADERS •Investors • Philanthropists

VISIONARY Entrepreneurs
Capacity BuilderS
Ecosystem LEADERS

register here

Why Romania?

FORGE strives to showcase thriving Christian entrepreneurial ecosystems across different cultures. Romania ranks in the top 20% entrepreneurial economies in the world and has a growing community of business owners centered in Cluj who are striving to reflect Christ through their work. Our host partner, Guild Faith, has a compelling model for other ecosystem leaders.

Guild Faith and the Romanian entrepreneurs they support will be joined by a group of entrepreneurial leaders from neighboring Moldova, who share a language, a similar culture, and a strong passion for kingdom entrepreneurship.

“Leaders are rising up in the emerging and frontier markets with their vision for Kingdom coming in their countries. FORGE is a meeting place where international partners can begin to see where they need to recalibrate their thinking and figure out how to come as partners to support local vision and local leadership. It’s the beginning of a completely new era of Kingdom building in the frontier and emerging markets, and we’re going to be amazed at what that’s going to look like in the next 10 to 20 years.” 

Malcolm Johnston | Angello Tribe

“Leaders are rising up in the emerging and frontier markets with their vision for Kingdom coming in their countries. FORGE is a meeting place where international partners can begin to see where they need to recalibrate their thinking and figure out how to come as partners to support local vision and local leadership. It’s the beginning of a completely new era of Kingdom building in the frontier and emerging markets, and we’re going to be amazed at what that’s going to look like in the next 10 to 20 years.” 

Malcolm Johnston | Angello Tribe

“I feel like I’m part of a family with the same vision, values, and drive to make a transformational impact in our nations. We’ve been equipped — forged. We’ve got momentum to go back with more enthusiasm, passion, and compassion for our countrymen to see them flourish and make an impact in their families, churches, and communities.”

Anatol Malancea | UniQa Wall Systems

“I  met people who use different tools to measure impact, investors and capacity builders, and I shared with different cultures what works and what doesn’t work for us. I really appreciate Sinapis for organizing this. It’s been a learning curve for me.”

Eyoel Solomon | KIBIR Consulting

“It was an exceptional time with friends, seeing different experiences, meeting more partners, and sharing how God is working with all of us. It was really something that touched me and has given me a clearer perspective for the Kingdom and how I can serve my business and all the people that I work with.”

Fady Amin | tcEgypt

“This week has been all about what we call ‘Agents of Hope.’ I’ve been surrounded by people from every corner of the world and every corner of this social entrepreneur, social impact ecosystem. What I’m taking away, aside from new friendships and connections, is new opportunities for collaboration and partnerships. The spirit here has been very friendly and generative: great fellowship, great food, great weather, great organization.”

Christy Davis | TBN Global Alliance Board & Belmont University Innovation Labs

“It’s kind of funny to say that it’s nice to know others with the same struggles, but we can help each other. How do things work well for them? How do they work well for us? That was really very helpful for me. I’m so excited to go back to Mozambique and do new things.”

Ebel Chimunthu | Start Space & Equip Mozambique

“This whole conference has been an exhilarating time where we learn about different networks and capacity builders but also the generosity from everyone in sharing resources, sharing ideas—this is excellent. There is a Thai saying, “If you go it alone, you can go fast, but if you go at it together, you can go the distance.” And so this conference is something that really helps us build stamina to last the distance together—thank you.”

Sam Lim | TonCedar

Dream Bigger.

“Can you imagine thriving ecosystems of faith-driven entrepreneurs in every country in the world? The least reached, most difficult places. Organizations united around the globe, sharing knowledge and tools. Capital providers deploying billions of dollars into the markets that need it most. Do you believe it is possible? Let’s dream bigger.”

Matthew Rohrs, CEO Sinapis
FORGE 2023 in Nairobi hosted over 150 attendees from 35+ nations

What to Expect

FORGE is rooted in values of love, unity, humility, & trust. Participants come together to think, pray, and dream how to bring economic, social, and spiritual renewal to our communities through enterprise development. 


Collaborate and strengthen the capabilities of entrepreneur capacity builders.


Create and deepen relationships and opportunities between investors, philanthropists and capacity builders.


Serve and encourage the host country’s entrepreneurial ecosystem in areas of greatest need.


Inspire the world to see the integral role that entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial ecosystems play in bringing God’s kingdom to earth.
register here

Join us at the

Grand Hotel Napoca

A 4-star hotel in the heart of Cluj along the Someşul Mic river

Bookings will be made by FORGE team with registration


SUNday, APril 21


Monday, APril 22

Build relationships through Romanian cultural activity and kickoff dinner

tuesday, APril 23

FORGE Global Summit plenary & workshops; Romanian ecosystem evening event

wednesday, APRIL 24

FORGE Global Summit plenary & workshops; Romanian business visits



Have Questions?

We'd be happy to talk!

“This week has been a reminder that God is at work in so many different ways and in so many contexts. There was something special about all of us being in the same space of capacity building, but from different geographical regions and at different stages of building out our services and programs. I’ve so appreciated the generosity of spirit in sharing and trading ideas, the mealtime conversations and storytelling, the vulnerability about the challenges we’ve faced, and even the kindness and understanding when there were different ideas being expressed. It was truly a life-giving time!” 

Pei Lee | TBN Asia

“I came to this conference not really expecting to get something out of it but to see what’s going to happen, and I’ve been blown away by the one week that we had.....The greatest takeaway is that I’ve learned quite a bit and there’s been such an integration of the capacity builders, the investors, and the entrepreneurs all coming together and discussing so many things that we would not have otherwise.”

Smily Rostus | HillTree Group

“I remember years back in Brazil thinking, ‘I’m lonely in this journey,’ and figuring out there are people from dozens and dozens of countries on a similar path. It’s a life calling to be part of this, so we appreciate FORGE placing people together so we can collaborate and learn from each other — being part of what Jesus is doing in the marketplace globally."

Paulo Humaitá | Bluefields

“We have been exploring entrepreneurial ecosystems in our country, but we don’t know what the ideal ecosystem looks like, so visiting these people and seeing this emerging ecosystem has given us a real direction for what we need to work on in Pakistan — how to improve those areas. Meeting with the wonderful people from all around the world is a big blessing, and we are going to cherish these relationships not only from today but in the years to come.”

Kehkshan Jibran | Pak Mission Society

“Personally, I’ve been so inspired by what God is doing through entrepreneurial ecosystems all over the world — stories from Mongolia, Uzbekistan — it’s just incredible to see that God really is bringing people together, humble servants doing their part.”

James Waters | Eido Research

“This week has been a reminder that God is at work in so many different ways and in so many contexts. There was something special about all of us being in the same space of capacity building, but from different geographical regions and at different stages of building out our services and programs. I’ve so appreciated the generosity of spirit in sharing and trading ideas, the mealtime conversations and storytelling, the vulnerability about the challenges we’ve faced, and even the kindness and understanding when there were different ideas being expressed. It was truly a life-giving time!” 

Pei Lee | TBN Asia

“This was a very different experience, and I believe that we’re going to look back at this event as something new that started — because the way our hearts have connected here is unique. We’re in the business world, come on! And we’re connecting hearts like crazy for the Kingdom, and that is fantastic.”

Hakan Sandberg | Itzinya & Angello

“It’s been an incredible week. I’ve been experiencing God's presence among us and how God is working around us and in us. When I’m talking to people from different cultures and from overseas who are in villages from other countries, we have the same big dream, the same mutual interests and mutual goals. I’m glad the sharing has been so personal, so global!”

Jolly Dorjgotov | Asia Leadership Development Network

Stronger Together. 

At FORGE you will be:

through a unique time of deep fellowship and prayer.

Equipped through valuable learning and growth opportunities as best practices, tools, resources, and strategy are shared. We believe this king of radical generosity produces stronger and more sustainable organizations.

Known as friendships are nurtured among emerging and frontier market leaders leading to continued mutual learning, encouragement, fellowship, and growth.

Resourced through equitable, lasting, and actionable partnerships within the global community.

register here